Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ways to Help "Perils For Pedestrians"

Ways you can help "Perils For Pedestrians":
1) If you see an interesting episode, let your friends and colleagues know about it. Recent episodes have clickable timecode links to individual interviews in the YouTube episode description. (I will be adding those links to older episode descriptions as time permits.)
2) If PFP is not on your local Public Access Cable Station, find out what their requirements are for showing an outside program and see if you can get it on. Many stations download the program electronically, or I can send DVDs to the station (free of charge as a public service).
3) If I am going to be traveling through your part of the country, let me know who I should interview for PFP. You know what is happening for pedestrians in your town better than I do.
4) If I am interviewing enough people in your town to stay overnight, put me up in your spare room. Hotels are expensive, and you are better company than the hotel's satellite tv channels.
5) Write letters and go to public hearings. PFP can help raise public awareness of pedestrian issues, but it doesn't take the place of local citizens letting local elected officials know what pedestrians need in their community. Get your neighbors to write letters, too.
6) If you have the resources, consider supporting PFP financially. I have set up a GoFundME account:
Thank you.

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