Sunday, October 8, 2017

Cycle Track Signage - FAIL

The N Street Cycle Track in Lincoln is the first protected bikeway in Nebraska.  A planted buffer separates the two-way bicycle traffic from automobile parking and automobile traffic.

Features include protected places for turning bicyclists to wait for a green signal on the cross street.

The bikeway also has exclusive bicycle signals to prevent conflicts with turning cars.

But what about wayfinding?  Can bicyclists see the street name signs?

N Street is one-way westbound.  An eastbound bicyclist can only see the backs of the street name signs because they are only designed for motor vehicles.

It is astonishing that all the planners, designers, engineers, and consultants could go through the entire process of rebuilding the street and adding paint and signals, and never stop to think about something as simple as letting bicyclists know the name of the street they are about to cross.

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